Title: Uplifting Acrylic on canvas 60cm x 70cm DKK 6,000
Archive for category: Art Collectables
Title: The Queens of Trees welcoming you Acrylic on canvas 100cm x 80cm DKK 8,000 Artist: Henriette Birk
ART Dog and boy dipping in ocean
AUCTION H. BIRK, , Art Collectables, Art Leasing, Auction 1 2024, Figures, ocean, Turquoise, 0When twilight sets in the ocean shines in new colors.
ART Mother and son by the Lønstrup coast
AUCTION H. BIRK, , Art Collectables, Art Leasing, Auction 1 2024, coast, ocean, Romantic, 0The ocean draws you in and refreshes the mind of all ages.
Title: Nature’s Dance One Acrylic on canvas 80cm x 100cm DKK 5,000
ART – Mother and 2 Boys by Coast
AUCTION H. BIRK, , Art Collectables, Art Exhibition, Auction 1 2024, 0Title: Mother and 2 Boys by Coast Acrylic on canvas 100×80 cm
Title: Morning Grooming Acrylic on canvas 100cm x 100cm DKK 15,000
The Danish Entrepreneur Portrait
AUCTION H. BIRK, , Art Collectables, Art Leasing, Auction 1 2024, 0Title: The Danish Entrepreneur Portrait. Acrylic on canvas 30×30 cm
Title: The Earths Mother No 1. Acrylic on canvas 70×60 cm
Title: Horizon family no 3. Acrylic on canvas 100×80 cm